How to wire a bonsai tree | How to wire a bonsai tree like a Pro ! step by step guide
Iqbal Khan, mikbonsai, Iqbal Khan bonsai movie,
This old tiger bark ficus bonsai tree suffered frost damage in winter of 2022. All the old branches died, but the trunk survived and new branches grew and were allowed to grow long, to thicken them. In the previous two videos, the old branches were removed, followed by pruning of the new branches and some branch selection was done. In this video I wire the new branches to give shape and also do some further branch selection. Since this work was done, the branches are growing fast. Subscribe to watch future progression of this and my other trees.
Below is the link for three videos, Starting with what the e tree looked like before the damage the damage caused by frost and later videos of it’s recovery progression:
Your queries: –
how to wire a bonsai
how to wire a bonsai tree
how to wire a Ficus bonsai tree
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#bonsai #howto #wireabonsaitree #wireabonsai
Learn how to wire a bonsai tree like a pro with this ultimate step-by-step guide! Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience with bonsai, this tutorial will walk you through the process of wiring your bonsai tree to achieve the perfect shape and design. Watch and master the art of wiring to take your bonsai skills to the next level !
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